Gum Treatments

When it comes to achieving a confident and beautiful smile, teeth are only half of the equation. Or as we say, “a smile is half white and half pink” and requires a balanced harmony between your teeth and gums. You may have a beautiful set of teeth pearly white and perfectly aligned teeth, but you may still be unsatisfied. Have you ever wondered why? It could be because of your gums!

Unfortunately, when there is a problem with the gums, it will show right through your smile. So, if you wish to have that Hollywood smile, then don’t make the mistake of thinking that you only need to get your teeth restored. The gums, or “gingiva”, are the art frames for our teeth and for your smile. As such, desirable gingival appearance has a tremendous impact on the esthetics of a smile and can significantly enhance the esthetics of your teeth.

The appearance, shape, and color of your gingiva are all factors in achieving a confident smile. This can manifest in many ways:

  1. Gingival recession is a deficiency of gums that results over time from a loss of tissues and can lead to exposure of the yellower, root surfaces, sensitivity, and a increased risk for cavities.

  2. Gingival excess is an overabundance of gums that can be a result of inflammation, leading gums to look red and puffy. This a reflection of a potentially unhealthy state as result of gum disease and can be paired with bleeding.

  3. “Gummy smile” is a multifactorial condition that leads to the exposure of a lot of your gums when you smile. This can lead to your teeth looking short or like “baby teeth”.

Luckily, awareness of the importance of gingival esthetics is rapidly growing field and where previously few treatment options were explored, now a multitude of modalities are available that can help you transform and achieve a beautiful smile.


Periodontal Plastic Surgery

